Saturday, February 23, 2008


BBQ at Ping Boon's house today, it's fun just by the presence and company of the clique xD
Mr Kuah's like an adult with a child-like casing, really regretted my decision more after speaking with him. Yeah..but guess there's no turning back now.

Mediacorp next big star says:
Mediacorp next big star says:
just to ensure evryie is back safely

such a sweet senior(: tpjc's full of sweet people, rly rly rly rly rly love them.
i'll never experience such stuff in *-

Open up a little man ! I must not be stuck in the past just because im comfortable with it!
That's so not Joane, pls.
But it's just so difficult. That's what makes you a MAN and i

An interesting photo to share ( credits: taken by 07S21 Muhammad Shuib B Mohamed Amin ,

view taken from cafe (: how amazing...

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