Tuesday, May 29, 2007


i really should work on my persuading and convincing skills.There are things stuck in my throat not knowing how to say it out, and you can never trust the other person to get and understand what you mean.
or maybe, sometimes the best words are those that are silent. i miss those people whom i can just look at them and they would understand, or a simple nod would do the trick. but nothing is forever.

Went CO room after school, ahh~ i didnt even know there is supposed to be a little discussion? ha, nvm.
anw, i wonder how many people will truly understand our predicament, those that experienced it before? haiy, why is it that times are so different as the past, i bet nothing like that will happen if it was 2 years ago.

I've finally got my answer :D woots !

pls note it's a camp not a chalet, thanks (:

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