Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Post- olvls fever

it's been so long.... woots!
finally survived the three weeks or pure torture.
:D but come to think of it in a good light, there'll be perhaps whole 3 months of study-free!

feeling so sick after the kbox session yesterday,
reached home with my head weighing a ton... terrible.
being sick makes the excitement and fun of post olvl's activities go poof*
hopefully i can recover by friday, and have fun at seoul gardens and grad night.
HOPEFULLY... (all the blessing gods of the universe, hear that?) xD

Starting work next monday, at vivo marks&spencers.
seems tiring... yet inspirational. Gonna miss out on a lot of activities during thw holidays,
But, you'll gain nothing without any sacrifices yeah?
Sure wouldn't wanna miss out on any alumnis gathering or CO chalet, M&S better give me a leave on 21stnov and 4thDec.
or i'll go on strike or something, lost of man-days :D

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